Thivy Portraits | Family Photography
Author: Dan Amyotte
Originally Posted: January 12th 2018
I was very excited when the Thivy family approached me for a portrait session over the holiday break. The reason for their session was a special one, Emma, the youngest of the adult Thivys was visiting from England. Since Emma’s move, a new generation has arrived, three children from brothers Steve and Peter. The family wanted to capture the visit and two generations together.

The session was hectic, as we had numerous family combinations to get through. With three kids under 2, I had my work cut out for me. Thankfully the newest addition to the family, little 6 week old Oliver was the most well behaved little man. He he slept through the entire session! As the parent of a toddler it made me miss those days. Little six month old Riley was also a pleasure to work with as she was fascinated by the camera and always gave her full attention. When I say always, I mean most of the time.

Then came Adelaide. When I arrived she was the first to greet me and flashed me the cutest little smile, I thought this was gonna be a breeze. I was mistaken. An almost 2 year old’s attention span is about 30 seconds – thankfully she gave me the best 30 seconds a photographer could ask for. I’m not ashamed to admit that bribery may have been involved!
As our session wrapped up Auntie Emma wanted a photo with her nieces and nephew. Well, you can all see how that went, still framers, but candid for sure.

Overall it was a wonderful session and I hopefully not too stressful for the Moms and Dads. I’m hope I was able to help create some memories that last a lifetime for the Thivy family, as those kids will grow up before you know it!
To view the full gallery or to purchase prints, click here.
If you’re looking for a similar session, OneTwo Photography offers a variety of family sessions, including portrait or candid sessions in the Hamilton area. Contact Us today!